It Was So Smooth!

John A. Groff – Cpt, US Army (Retired)


I am very impressed with your new Accuracy Oil. I started my career in the military as a E-1 nothing and retired after twenty years as an O-3E. I have used just about every type of lube on the market. I was in a gun store the other day and picked up an AR. When I pulled the charging handle back, it was so SMOOTH! I told the owner, I have to have this rifle, I’ve never felt one so smooth. He told me that it was the lube. I told him that he was full of it. He then proceeded to get another AR down and lubed it with your Accuracy Oil. What a difference a few drops of a good lube can make! I have never seen anything like it. I put some on my 1911 and my AR, my buddies can’t believe the difference. I’ll definitely be ordering more of this chemical magic! Thanks for making such a great product and selling it at such a great price. I’ll be spreading the word.

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